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Talk Africa: Mordernising Africa’s agriculture online

CGTN 2018年04月26日 报道 浏览次数:

编者按:2018年4月18日,CGTN(中国国际电视台)“对话非洲”栏目(Talk Africa)报道田间高端论坛。本次论坛由中国国际电视台(CGTN)刘飞飞女士主持,中国农业大学校长孙其信、坦桑尼亚莫罗戈罗省执行秘书谭达瑞(Clifford Tandari)、中国南南农业合作学院院长、人文与发展学院教授李小云参与了有关中坦农业合作的讨论,其议题主要围绕如何更好地与非洲分享中国农业发展的经验、如何有效地进行海外实地发展示范、如何更好地推进中非合作论坛的成果深化等主题展开。这也是“对话非洲”栏目(Talk Africa)少见地将演播厅搬到了田间地头,对我校在坦桑尼亚的村级减贫中心项目、中坦农业联合发展研究中心,以及千户万亩玉米增产示范工程进行了报道,并对当地举行的田间高端论坛进行了特别报道。我驻坦大使王克女士对于我校在坦的工作给予了高度的评价。本网对相关新闻予以转载,以飨师生。

Farmers in Morogoro, Tanzania.

Tanzania is estimated to have over four million smallholder farmers who are crucial in producing food and cash crops. Because of lack of education and  poor technology, most of the farmers own small plots of land averaging 2 to 4 hectares, just enough to feed their families with very little surplus.

China has since 2009 sent more than 1,000 agricultural experts to 13 African countries and invested over 6 billion U.S. dollars into agricultural projects on the continent.

Agricultural cooperation is a key element in the strategic partnership between China & Africa. And this will be a key highlight in the upcoming 2018 Forum on China Africa Cooperation.

Africa is home to about 60% of the world’s arable land, but still faces the challenges of food security & poverty. So what is Africa’s best way forward? This week from the village of Morogoro in Tanzania, we seek some insights to this question.

CGTN’s Christina Fei Fei  talks to farmers in Morogoro, Tanzania and interviews a panel on China-Tanzania Agricultural corporation.

CGTN Talk Africa broadcasted on April 18th.



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